Please scroll down to see all updates from Dr. Lisa & HousePaws regarding COVID-19 policies and how they affect HousePaws, your pet(s), and our ability to continue serving you in the safest way possible.
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March 19, 2020, 10:00 PM
Dr. Dana and I just got dome at town hall meeting for veterinarians from the Pennsylvania Veterinary Medical Association. The media neglected to list veterinarians as life saving businesses that are allowed to remain open. The governor’s office actually urged veterinarians to stay open in the interest of public health and safety and helping pets in the need of healthcare.
I know some people are frustrated that we are no longer seeing wellness appointments. During the town hall meeting, they reiterated that we must not see wellness appointments for public safety, but also because we need to conserve supplies in case the human industry needs our supplies. So if we canceled your elective procedure or your pet’s vaccinations please know that it’s not because we don’t want to do those things. It’s just we cannot do those things at this time.
We will continue seeing pets in Pennsylvania as well as New Jersey that need medical care. Please download TeleVet (a telemedicine app) if you have not done so yet. The link is:
They did touch on the dog in Hong Kong and they reiterated that pets do not incubate the virus. They are worried that scared people may turn their healthy pets into shelters. Please do not not be misinformed. Please let us know if you have any concerns. You can email us at
In the meantime we will continue to serve you. ❤️🏡🐾
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March 19, 2020, 7:00 PM
PLEASE READ MY WORDS to help stop panic. THIS IS FAKE NEWS. As we have previously reported to you, there was a dog that tested weak positive in Hong Kong in February. The dog later tested negative. Health officials did not believe the weak positive meant anything and the CDC and AVMA stand by that. They do not believe there are risks to domesticated animals other than humans.
Their recommendations are: if you are sick, stay out of your pet’s face to be safe…but they do NOT have any evidence of our pets catching or spreading COVID-19.
Please help educate people to avoid the widespread panic articles like this can cause.
This poor 17 year old dog was quarantined despite testing negative. Quarantine on animals is very stressful. Even young animals don’t always make it through a quarantine.
If corona and your pet becomes a concern, we will 100% update you ASAP.
Article: First dog to test positive for coronavirus dies
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March 18, 2020
Right now, our primary concern is for human health. The virus which causes COVID-19, causes flu-like symptoms in people, including mild to severe respiratory illness with fever, cough, and difficulty breathing. At this time, experts have not expressed concerns about transmission to or from other animals to humans. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our hospital team at
COVID-19 and companion animals
- As of this memo, the CDC has not received any reports of pets or other animals becoming sick with COVID-19, and there is no evidence that companion animals including pets can spread COVID-19.
- However, since animals can spread other diseases to people, it’s always a good idea to wash your hands after being around animals.
- There is no vaccine for COVID-19 for people at this time that is approved for use. There is testing of a vaccine underway. Veterinarians, in general, are familiar with other coronaviruses. Similar but different coronavirus species cause several common diseases in domestic animals. Dogs, for example, are vaccinated for another species of coronavirus (Canine Coronavirus) as puppies.
- Therapy pet visitation to nursing homes and long-term care facilities by service animals and their handlers should be discouraged at this time.
- Pet owners should include pets and other animals in their emergency preparedness planning, including keeping a two-week supply of food and medications on hand.
Human Interactions
We are making the following recommendations and requirements in the interest of public health and safety:
- Clients have the option to text us upon arrival and we can notify them when a room is ready. Clients that are dropping off their pets can have someone meet them at their car to obtain their pet. Our vets can call after the pet is examined.
- Upon scheduling and confirming appointments, we are asking clients if they or anyone in their home are sick.
- While we love hugging our clients and shaking their hands we are no longer touching clients and we are maintaining a 6 foot social distancing.
- We have created social distancing by increasing the length of each appointment and putting clients directly into an exam room with their pet.
- We are not allowing owners to hold their pets for exams or treatments at this time.
- On housecalls, we are not using clients’ surfaces to work and use strict disinfectant protocols with our surfaces.
- Our staff is diligently wiping pens, credit card machines, clip boards or any other items that you hand to your clients before and after every use and in full view of the client.
- Rooms and surfaces will be thoroughly cleaned and clients will be placed immediately into rooms upon arrival at hospital.
- Non-clients and non-essential guests of the hospital will be asked to postpone any visitation.
- Any non-employees include employee’s children, spouses, significant others, and former employees should not visit the hospital at this time.
- Clients will be asked if they are feeling well at time of appointment confirmation. Anyone that is coughing or sneezing or is otherwise feeling ill should politely be asked to leave the premises. The area should immediately be cleansed and disinfected.
- Veterinarians may choose to see dogs outside of their house and clients will be informed.
- We will discontinue giving paper invoices when possible.
- Employees are cleaning their hands often with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60-95% alcohol, or wash their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds according to the World Health Organization’s recommendations. Soap and water should be used preferentially.
- We follow strict disinfecting protocols for examination rooms,treatment areas, and frequently touched surfaces after each and every patient visit.
- We disinfect with Rescue by Virox (our hospital cleaner) which is proven to eliminate the most resistant pathogens and is safe for pets.
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March 16, 2020

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March 12, 2020
One thing you can count on…we got your back. HousePaws is and will be fully operational for you and your pets.
Your place, our place, or by telemedicine..we are there for you! Download TeleVet today and stay connected for your pet.